360 degree feedback

NHS leadership development

One of the most important elements of leadership development is to gather feedback from colleagues.  Anyone who is serious about their career will want to know the perceptions of others on their performance as a leader. This includes those who report to you, as well as peers and senior colleagues.

In a leaner NHS, a 360 degree assessment is a unique means of gaining a rounded insight into what the NHS requires from its leaders. Critically, it will equip you with the means to work towards your goals, to develop your strengths and address any weaknesses that you may not currently be aware of.  This is especially relevant for those who are seeking to consolidate their role or move up the career ladder.

The NHS Institute of Innovation & Improvement has developed a comprehensive 360 degree feedback process, based on the Leadership Qualities Framework.  This is designed for senior leaders.

I am an accredited and fully trained facilitator of the NHS LQF, with an in-depth knowledge of its structure and purpose. I will analyse the data and together we will identify your strengths, explore areas for development and formulate an action plan.

If you would like me to be your independent facilitator, please select me on the Institute’s website:


The Medical Leadership Competency Framework (LQF) / Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF)

For doctors in training and NHS managers, I am also accredited to offer a wide range of 360 degree feedback tools, including one that is specifically mapped to the Medical Leadership Competency Framework and one that is designed around the Knowledge and Skills Framework.

Want to learn more about how I can help? Call me on 01622 816806.