Managing Stress

Managing Stress

With change taking place on a virtually continuous basis, stress in the NHS is becoming a critical issue.  But how do we define stress?  Of course, stress in one form or another is part of normal life and people react to it in wildly different ways: one person’s stressful situation can be another’s idea of ‘normal’.  Likewise, stress can be perceived as positive as well as negative.

What really matters is the severity and duration of the symptoms, if any, and the impact they have on your everyday life. Long-term excessive stress can lead to serious health problems. Yet stress can be easily reduced by making some straightforward adjustments to your work-life balance.

I’ll work with you to explore your personal stress triggers and equip you with effective techniques for handling pressure. If you feel excessively stressed now, then we’ll deal with the immediate situation first, and then develop longer term strategies to prevent the stress from reoccurring. I’ll assess your stress levels using various measurement tools.  We’ll then look at simple work/ lifestyle adjustments you can make to reduce and manage stress, such as diet, sleep, exercise, communication and time management.

Free of the debilitating effects of excessive stress, you will feel stronger, more in control and once again be able to enjoy your life and work.

Don’t face stress alone.  I’m here to help you. Call me on 01622 816806 email me on [email protected].